Le Marché x Abla Fahita I Opening Ceremony 2021

Abla Fahita, Egypt’s favorite puppet, is back again in yet another hilarious ad for Le Marché, the Middle East and Africa’s first and largest furniture exhibition. In the ad, Abla Fahita, who stands preening in front of a mirror, asks her virtual assistant Zizi if her tailor has finished sewing her dress for the opening night of Le Marché. According to Zizi, the chicken the tailor had bought ran away, leaving her without feathers to sew to the dress. A distressed Abla Fahita wonders what to do, as opening night is drawing near. Zizi assures her that she still has time: the exhibition will run for four whole days, from the 21st to the 24th of October. Abla Fahita exclaims that she still wants to attend opening night and asks Zizi to call the local butcher and send a couple of chickens to the tailor: the feathers can be used for the corset and the meat for chicken tenders.

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